Dr Jean Paul Ly

Founder, CEO – Clinical Nutrition, Regenerative medicine and Surgery

BVSc (Sydney)
Dip. Ed (Sydney), Dip. Bible Studies,
Dip. Clinical Nutrition (Sydney) Cert. Counseling

Background training

  1. Dr. Ly trained in Medical Acupuncture in 1972 and completed a short survey of veterinary acupuncture in PRC. He introduced Veterinary Acupuncture to Australian veterinarians in 1975 and trained over 150 Australian veterinarians in the next 4 years. Dr. Ly successfully treated many famous race horses and was the first in Australia to perform dog caesarians using acupuncture. He also served as president of Australian Medical Acupuncture Association.
  2. Dr. Ly graduated with a Bachelor of Veterinary Science from Sydney University, Australia, in 1974.
  3. First and only Veterinarian to train in microsurgery with Professor Dr. Earl Owens at the Microsearch Foundation in Sydney 1977.
  4. Graduated from Sydney Teacher’s College 1979 with Graduate Diploma in Education.
  5. Dr. Ly acquired a Diploma in Bible Studies from Tung Ling Bible college, Singapore in 1986.
  6. Dr. Ly obtained a certificate in counselling from the Counselling and Care Centre, Singapore 1989.
  7. Graduated from International School of Nutrition Sydney 1996 with Graduate diploma in Clinical Nutrition.
  8. Interned 3 years from 1993 at Sydney University faculty of Veterinary Science as surgery resident.
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